Good Health
Glucosamine - The Arthritis Cure?
by: Bill Morrison
Glucosamine sulphate has been around a long time now and as each year goes by more and more claims are made telling us about this miracle joint lubricant. Are all the claims true? Will it cure Arthritis? What is Glucosamine anyway? And what about Chondroitin?
Some Simple Advice About Diet To Reduce Rheumatism
by: Knut Holt
Inflammation is a major component in most Rheumatic pain conditions or rheumatic diseases, therefore it is adviceable to eat a good amount of food that reduces inflammation and reduce the consumption of food that contains inflammatory agents. Here are some simple dietary advices that may help reduce rheumatic conditions.
Dieters : There Are No Second Helpings In Life
by: Janice Elizabeth Small
It's so easy to put your life on hold until you lose weight. It's easy to say "I'll do that once I've lost a few pounds" or "I couldn't do that I'm too fat". But you only have one life - there are no second helpings. So you owe it to yourself to live your life in the present and to live it to the full.
How to Break Your Weight Loss Plateau
by: Mubarakah Ibrahim CPT
Today is a typical morning like any other for you. You get up, go for your workout at the gym or go for a nice run, before you start your day. Or maybe you go from work to the gym to jump on the treadmill for 40 minutes then home. SO why isn’t the weight coming off like it did when you first started your new workout routine. If you are still doing everything the same and you can’t seem to drop those last 10 lbs then you can’t drop those last 10 lbs because you are still doing everything the same. (I know I just reverse the sentence but read it again and you’ll catch on if you didn’t the first time.)
Intro to Tinnitus
by: Ryan Fyfe
Tinnitus, a phenomenon of the nervous system, is directly connected to the ear. This phenomenon is characterised by perception of an internal beating or ringing like sound. This sound can appear to be a quiet background noise, or loud enough to drown out all outside sounds.